Simple Guidelines Manage Everyday Pain: Historie verzí

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Legenda: (teď) = rozdíly oproti nynější verzi, (předchozí) = rozdíly oproti předchozí verzi, m = malá editace

13. 3. 2025

  • teďpředchozí 23:1013. 3. 2025, 23:1038.170.4.202 diskuse 5 448 bajtů +5 448 založena nová stránka s textem „We all have basic rights. Among these are the right to be addressed with respect, to say no without guilt, achieve less than humanly possible, to make mistakes, so that you can not really should try to justify your decisions, with words or pain.<br><br>Holistic healing is about being aware of what is making you ill. Suggests your emotional state, your physical state and may cope employing your life. western medicine has developed fantastic processes f…“